Friday, September 3, 2021

Disconnect - ed Thursday


Disconnect - ed Thursday Recap

So on Thursday RM 12 had no google meetings. But we still had to do a disconnect - ed task. We had options. We could do a marble run, Do chores without being asked, something for fathers day, A thank you note, Fitness, and create a book. I did the must do which was do a chore. And the option of doing chores without being asked. Well it wasn't intentionally done. My brother and I were fighting with silica gel bags and I threw five at him and then suddenly he threw a bag of them and it spilt all over my bed. I was horrified, what if my dad finds out, or my mum? I straight away got the vacuum and cleaned it. Then I got all of the silica gel bags and emptied then into the vacuum. I was relieved with my anger staying inside of me!


  1. I like how you did a chore with out asking and not gettig angry.
